Carlson House Scouts
Posted on 28th March 2019 at 14:23
A Forgotten Story
The recent discovery of a 'Log Book' documenting the early days of a Scout Troop formed seventy years ago has thrown a light on a forgotten piece of History. Written by my grandfather, Fred Ward, it didn't make it back to its intended destination at Carlson House way back in 1950. Instead it spent three score years and ten hidden away in various cupboards and lofts.
As it turns out the events it records are of real importance and the people who appear in its pages were instrumental in the founding of Cerebral Palsy Midlands and Carlson House School. In facilitating the formation of the 152nd Birmingham Scouts, who met at the school on Saturday afternoons during 1949, they were clearly as responsible for this 'Log Book' and its contents as the author himself.