Lots of people of all abilities taking part in the Wheel'n'Walk sponsored walk.

CPM had the busiest Summer Sizzler ever! 

On Monday 12th August, Cerebral Palsy Midlands opened its doors to the whole community. The event aimed to showcase and highlight the great work that we do here at CPM supporting adults with disabilities and the wider community. Over 200 people attended the event, including citizens, families, carers, and children of all abilities and backgrounds.  
This event was a fundraiser, we raised money from the tombola and the raffle on the day, raising £843.90 altogether! 
Cerebral Palsy Midlands event highlights included: 
Being Heard Summer Sing-a-long. 
Creature Feature Animal Handling. 
Craig's Ventriloquist acts. 
A big BBQ with John & Amy. 
Face Painting. 
A big CPM Tombola. 
A fantastic Raffle. 
An ice cream van. 
Pottery crafts with Rainey Community Creations 
Stalls from West Midlands Police, Healthwatch Birmingham Forward Carers, Harborne Pool & Fitness, Irwin Mitchell & Double Delight Designs 

A huge thanks to all of our sponsors, volunteers and supporters! 

We owe a huge thanks to our sponsors for their support, allowing us to make this event happen. 
The incredible Irwin Mitchell team of volunteers brought amazing energy to our event, assisting with the distribution of goodies and sponsoring the cost of our Face Painter. 
A huge thanks to our good 'Friend of CPM' and volunteer Ian, who bought the music to our garden and set the upbeat mood for our summer event. 
Lovely to see the team from Harborne Pool & Fitness supporting our summer fete and handing out gym passes. 
Creature Feature Experience came with an incredible set up and lots of different animals from snakes, chameleons, spiders, tortoise and rabbits for everyone to see and have a go at handling. They were really great. 

More pictures from the fantastic Summer Sizzler 

Simon helping in the kitchen. 
JP's face painting. 
Laura in Craig's act. 
Ian enjoying the day. 
A new WM Police officer. 
We welcomed visitors. 
CP friends Richie came to visit. 
DJ Ian became a clown. 
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