At the heart of our service is a team of qualified and supportive staff
A rewarding working environment
We have a commited staff team that are dedicated to giving our citizens the best bespoke care in a positive enriching and empowering environment.
Gary Watson
Centre Manager
Janet Kirkham
Barbara Brand
Community Social Worker
Sarah Lilly
Development Officer
CPM Staff Team
Gary Watson - Centre Manager
Janet Kirkham - Centre Administrator
Barbara Brand - Community Social Worker
Darren Simpson - Community Field Worker
Sarah Lilly - Development Officer
Supervisors - Amanda, John, David and Asma.
Care staff - Janet, Wendy, Craig, Emma, Amy, Lucy, David and Saba.
Tutors - Ben Linstead, Richard Ganner, Sally Haynes-Preece and Helen Mason.
Volunteers - John, Katrina, Amanda and Ron.