Cake Bake Sale raises money and awareness for charity supporting adults with disabilities! 
Hive students from Wilson Stuart School undertaking work placements at registered charity Cerebral Palsy Midlands cooked up a great fundraiser raising £37.74. 
Students Megan Cairns and Seraj Kyani started their work placement in September and were given a task to organiser a fundraiser and support the Development Office function for the charity. Their idea was to organise a cake bake sale at The Hive and encourage as many of their friends to either bake for them or come and enjoy eating the baked cakes at their event. Working hard on designing posters and advertising the event around the College, the event was a remarkable success raising a total of £37.74. 
Development Officer for Cerebral Palsy Midlands Sarah Lilly said ‘That this was a great first fundraiser event and has given both Megan and Seraj the full learning experience for creating and marketing events. I believe they could build on this kind of event and develop it further in the future. The most successful cakes that sold were those that were handmade, so next time they need to source more friends who can help bake to support their event.” 

Thank you Megan & Seraj 

We are always grateful for this kind of support, no matter how small, as they all help make a difference to the work that we do here in our Harborne Community Day-care Centre. For more information about Cerebral Palsy Midlands please visit 
If you are interested in work experience opportunities or organising a fundraiser for Cerebral Palsy Midlands please contact Development Officer Sarah Lilly either by email or telephone 0121 427 3182. 
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On 7th December 2017 at 12:03, Julie Pallister Work Placement Coordinator at The Hive College wrote:
I want to thank CP Midlands and in particular Sarah Lily for offering the students of The Hive College Work Placements. The Hive College is a specialised provision that helps young disabled adults gain the skills required and support them into meaningful employment.
Sarah has given honest feedback to the students which has helped them to develop their skills in marketing and I am so glad that they were able to raise money for such a good and needed cause.
Thanks again Sarah and I do hope that you will continue to support our students in the future. J E Pallister