CPM Citizens meet Councillor Paulette Hamilton
Posted on 23rd August 2018 at 12:50
Yesterday, Wednesday 22nd August some of our citizens from Cerebral Palsy Midlands had the great opportunity of meeting Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health, Councillor Paulette Hamilton.
This meeting was to acknowledge all of the work that has been done together with Birmingham City Council, local Councillors, our citizens, other disabled members of the community, our community day-care centre Cerebral Palsy Midlands and many other organisations in the local area. Together, we all have been working on a 'Co-production', that being, a partnership to improve the support services for adults who live in our community. It's a big project, lots of great work has been acheived and there is of course more to be done.
Yesterday, Councillor Hamilton acknowledged the time and effort that our people had given to the project, as of course, this will help the developments and improvements that take place in our city.
Clifford Adams, Chris Turner and Joe O'Neil all received Certificates of Appreciation for their valued contribution towards partnership working with Birmingham City Council from Councillor Pauline Hamilton, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care at Birmingham City Council.
Birmingam City Council is committed to putting Citizens at the heart of everything they do. There is still time to be involved in developing the social care and support services for people of all ages who live in Birmingham and their carers. To sign up email getinvolved@birmingham.gov.uk or telephone The Citizen Involvement Team 0121 464 4133.
Birmingham Connect to Support is an online information and advice guide, community directory and marketplace for citizens of Birmingham.
This website is intended for all residents who want to find out about local groups, activities and services within the community. Click here.
For any further information about our involvement please contact Development Officer Sarah Lilly either by email sarah@cpmids.org.uk or telephone 0121 427 3182 ext.3.
Tagged as: Birmingham City Council, Councillor Pauline Hamilton
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