Disability Rights Exhibit
Posted on 14th May 2018 at 13:59

We really enjoyed having Fran and Rajan from Birmingham City Council at CPM talking about the struggles of people with disabilities in rural India. We found out about poeple's strategies to get involved in community life and claim their statutory rights.
The opportunity is still here at CPM for a little while longer for our community to view. Anyone is welcome to come in and see this work and find out more.
For more information about Action Village India email info@actionvillageindia.org.uk or visit their website www.actionvillageindia.org.uk

The exhibition has raised the members' awareness of what is going on elsewhere in the world for people with disabilities and some said that they had been very moved by the stories of the people in the exhibition. Many of the members are wheelchair users and have very challenging mobility and communication problems.
A lot of very interesting and thoughtful questions were asked by the members about the conditions that are faced by people with disabilities in India. Members wanted to know if there was any way that they could (a) make a connection with the project (b) raise awareness in this country (c) help by sending equipment (d) inviting people from the project to visit the UK. We discussed the possibilities for the first two activities and talked about the cultural, infrastructural and financial difficulties of the others.
It was a real eye opener for our community of people and we would like to see how we can get involved further in the project in the near future. Hod do we connect with people with disabilities in other countries and share stories so that together as a larger worldwide community we can campaign for better universal services for those with disability.
For more information about this project please contact Sarah Lilly, Development Officer at Cerebral Palsy Midlands on helpline 0121 427 3182 or email sarah@cpmids.org.uk.
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